Enviroment -Question and Answer-I

How is it saving the enviorment by reducing electricity if your power comes from a hydro dam?

It's a good idea due to the following


1. Fuel is not burned-less pollution
2. Water to run the power plant is provided free by nature
3.Hydro power plays a major role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
4.The technology is reliable and proven over time
5. It's renewable - rainfall renews the water in the reservoir, so the fuel is almost always there but rainfall dependent!!


1.High initial costs
2.People living in downstream areas have to be relocated which involves Huge capital again.
3.After all its rain dependent

Hydro electric power represents 19% of the total electricity production( world basis).

There is much potential for it due to availability of water resources in countries like Latin America,India,China.

But as a whole to conclude,hydro resources must be identified, and a detailed life cycle analysis must be made for pollution and cost statistics to generate electricity,compare it with the traditional ways.
Then one can opt a methodology that would be apt for a country.
